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  • Keep back horizontal- lifting, carrying, pet carriers

    Keep back horizontal- lifting, carrying, pet carriers

    Lift your dog correctly to support his back. Easy – Peasy to remember “Back horizontal to the ground“
  • Steroids vs. Non-steroidals

    Steroids vs. Non-steroidals

    5 things to know about using anti inflammatory drugs your vet may not have enough time to go over with you.
  • Harnesses not Collars

    Harnesses not Collars

    Collars for IVDD dogs are only used as a necklace to hold tags. Tip in fitting your dog for a harness.
  • Diet and nutrition

    Diet and nutrition

    A dog needs to have proper total nutrition for the body to rebuild, for the discs and spinal cord to heal and nerves to regenerate. Healing continues on for many weeks and months. See if your dog’s food can be improved by having the ability to read those tricky dog food labels.
  • What calcifications mean

    What calcifications mean

    Calcified or mineralized discs: what they are and what they mean when your vet shows you an X-ray. Types of advanced imaging, a comparison
  • Neuro surgeon IVDD answers (conservative, surgical treatments)

    Neuro surgeon IVDD answers (conservative, surgical treatments)

    Dr. Isaacs, DVM, ACVIM (Neurology) answers a wide range of questions about surgery for the IVDD Community.
  • Incontinence tips

    Incontinence tips

    Tips and ideas for incontinent dogs: garments, exercise, expressing and fluids, recurrent UTI.
  • Nose work – safe – fun for IVDD dogs

    Nose work – safe – fun for IVDD dogs

    The best fun thing for your IVDD dog is nose work. Great tips on nose work around your home. Are you adventurous? Check out some advanced nose work for your dog!
  • Frequent bladder infection (UTI) – urinary tract infection

    Frequent bladder infection (UTI) – urinary tract infection

    Bladder bugs, the good and the bad. Why some UTI’s keep returning and what to do.
  • Garments to protect skin, protect from UTIs

    Garments to protect skin, protect from UTIs

    4 DIY garments to protect scooters. Garments can protect skin and limbs from rug burns. For some female dogs a garment can provide a barrier from floor and ground bacteria reaching the bladder to contribute to urinary tract infection (UTI).
  • Know the discs and a success story

    Know the discs and a success story

    Be instrumental in the care and recovery for your dog with knowledge of IVDD: Intervertebral DISC DISEASE.
  • Traction solution improvements

    Traction solution improvements

    3 traction solutions improvements. Help a dog with any degree of nerve damage (wobbly legs, dogs using a wheelchair). Have you ever fallen or lost your balance? Scared it could happen again? IVDD Dogs with nerve damage can experience similar feelings about slipping and falling.
  • Stomach protection during a disc episode — 3 reasons why

    Stomach protection during a disc episode — 3 reasons why

    There are multiple factors involved in causing extra stomach acids that will typically happen during a disc episode.
  • Express bladder and bowels for health

    Express bladder and bowels for health

    Videos and tips to get more out of your vet’s hands-on expressing lesson. How to express for poop, too!
  • Hope and Quality of Life for All

    Hope and Quality of Life for All

    It IS in the cards for your dog to get back to enjoying family activities after a disc episode for many happy years ahead!
  • Finding an IVDD Vet

    Finding an IVDD Vet

    Strategies and tips for finding an IVDD knowledgeable vet whether as the family veterinarian or a board certified surgeon.
  • Neuropathic pain

    Neuropathic pain

    A neuropathic phantom type of pain. The mind “feels” pain from paralyzed legs no longer having nerve connection— no longer able to send pain messages to the brain.
  • PT – Dogs during Conservative Treatment—only Light ROM and Massage

    PT – Dogs during Conservative Treatment—only Light ROM and Massage

    Conservative treated dogs (medicines + STRICT rest + time) with paralyzed legs, wait til off of all meds and no pain is surfacing before starting very, very light massage and ROM
  • PT – Surgery dog — at home therapy

    PT – Surgery dog — at home therapy

    One of the benefits of surgery is active PT can be started as soon as the surgeon directs.
  • Home Protect IVDD backs

    Home Protect IVDD backs

    We can all take actions which may help prevent or prolong the next disc episode by reducing the stress on the discs in between the vetertebrae of the spine. Some ways of doing that are to limit jumping, and avoid stairs, and training them NOT to fly.
  • Devices & Supplements

    Devices & Supplements

    Buyer Be Aware — Buyer be informed for your IVDD dog
  • Pet strollers after graduation

    Pet strollers after graduation

    After graduation from post-op or conservative STRICT rest, strollers can be used outdoors for pets who tire easily or have weak legs still.
  • What owners say about Dodgerslist

    What owners say about Dodgerslist

    “Dodgerslist gave me hope”… “Advise, support & resources are invaluable”… “I don’t think I could have done this on my own.”
  • Acupuncture-Laser Therapies

    Acupuncture-Laser Therapies

    Laser light therapy, acupuncture and electro-acupuncture can be very beneficial to assist with re-establishment of nerve connections in the body. 
  • Wheelchairs for mobility

    Wheelchairs for mobility

    Two must-have design points for IVDD dogs using a wheelchair. Give your dog a new lease on life!
  • Conservative vs surgery -IVDD disc disease treatments

    Conservative vs surgery -IVDD disc disease treatments

    Be prepared! Know the two treatments for a disc episode ahead of time. Owner knowledge is key!
  • Dodgerslist and veterinary professionals team up to teach

    Dodgerslist and veterinary professionals team up to teach

    Veteriarians and scientists comment on Dodgerslist
  • Nail trim for health —Tips and supplies

    Nail trim for health —Tips and supplies

    Nail trimming for health means safer traction for wheelchair dogs. Walking dogs can avoid painful overgrown nails, arthritis and encourage a normal gait.
  • STRICT Rest Recovery Process

    STRICT Rest Recovery Process

    Options for recovery suites. Lots of tried and true tips and supplies to make the RESTING phase go much smoother for you and your pup.
  • Nerve healing

    Nerve healing

    4 Phases of healing -Slow healing nerves may take more like months rather than days/weeks.
  • Discharge Day List of Questions

    Discharge Day List of Questions

    A starter list of question to ask your vet or surgeon on discharge day.
  • At home nursing care, support, and ideas

    At home nursing care, support, and ideas

    No need to reinvent the wheel with at-home nursing care during a disc episode. Lots of member tips: • Useful supplies • Review on bladder expressing • Cervical (neck) disc care and more.
  • Chiropractic


    IVDD dogs are not the same as a person with a bad disc. Risks with chiro to an IVDD dog is adjustment could cause more disc damage including potential for permanent spinal cord damage.
  • Disc healing

    Disc healing

    4 Phases of healing —The body has ability to heal disc damage with time and little movement
  • PT – Surgery dog  — Water Therapy

    PT – Surgery dog  — Water Therapy

    Surgery dogs can start water therapy for paralyzed legs as soon as the surgeon directs.
  • Dog back pain disc disease – IVDD

    Dog back pain disc disease – IVDD

    Dog back pain (IVDD). With dwarfed breeds a prevalent cause of back pain is intervertebral disc disease. Often it is not until the dog is 3-7 old, and with first signs of pain, the owner and the vet first learn the dog has this disease.
  • Pet Stroller during a disc episode

    Pet Stroller during a disc episode

    A pet strollers can be very useful during the recovery period of a disc episode or after a surgery.
  • Home IVDD neck care tips

    Home IVDD neck care tips

    The extra things you can do at home to help with neck disc.
  • An Uncommon Disease, Myelomalacia

    An Uncommon Disease, Myelomalacia

    What it means when your vet provides you with awareness information about Myelomalacia
  • IVDD Primer- Living with IVDD

    IVDD Primer- Living with IVDD

    An illustrated look at how you CAN live many happy years ahead with your IVDD dog.
  • Schedule to re-introduce back friendly home activities

    Schedule to re-introduce back friendly home activities

    Ideas, tips, demonstrations to make your home back friendly and re-training your dog to be safe with his back.
  • Grief healing

    Grief healing

    The pain of losing a loved one can be beyond difficult. It deserves your attention and time to process.
  • Imaging- CT, MRI, X-ray

    Imaging- CT, MRI, X-ray

    For a surgery, an MRI confirms the herniated disc location as a planning tool for the procedure.
  • Ramp Training

    Ramp Training

    You can help your dog learn to use a ramp. Ramps avoid impact to the back. Learn the tricks to training from two pro trainers!
  • Large Dog Care Tips IVDD

    Large Dog Care Tips IVDD

    Can’t safely lift your heavy dog?     🤙Simple idea to overcome the challenges during a disc episode: Recovery suites • Potty time  • Bladder Expressing & health • Lifting Aids.

Neuro Corner Articles


This information is presented for educational purposes and as a resource for the dog IVDD community. The coordinators are not veterinarians or health care professionals. Nothing herein should be interpreted as medical advice all should contact their pet care professionals for advice. The coordinators are not responsible for the substance and content contained herein and do not advocate any particular product, item or position contained herein.

©2023 Linda Stowe, founder of  FACEBOOK,  Instagram, YouTube