Hope and Quality of Life for All


Not sure what to expect about quality of life?

YES, Your Dog CAN Have a Great Quality of Life!

Loving and Living Life!!!

Wheelchair until nerve function returns!

Wheelchair dogs’ first visit to a beach!

Clark runs like the wind!

Cart dog runs with his friends.

More  Success  Stories  written by Dodgerslist members



Which dog is not like the others?

“The three dogs on the right are all IVDD Survivors! Jake in the cart went down 3.5 years ago. Reggie to his right recovered from his latest bout only a month before this photo was taken last summer. Angel, my darling grand-puppy, was the first to be born with IVDD. I don’t know what I would have done without the knowledge we gained here at Dodgerslist”  ~Anne


This information is presented for educational purposes and as a resource for the dog IVDD community. The coordinators are not veterinarians or health care professionals. Nothing herein should be interpreted as medical advice https://www.facebook.com/Dodgerslist/and all should contact their pet care professionals for advice. The coordinators are not responsible for the substance and content contained herein and do not advocate any particular product, item or position contained herein.

©2023 Linda Stowe, founder of DODGERSLIST.com  FACEBOOK,  Instagram, YouTube