Dodgerslist Presentations On Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)
Choose your style of learning.
- Foreign language material in Spanish, French, Italian and Polish materials.
- 6 Video series on disc disease A to Z.
- Illustrated strips, good for helping children understand their pet’s disease
- Shortcut thru IVDD is a read along with the narrator with lots of photos and illustrations.

Shortcut Thru IVDD (listening and reading)
Shortcut through IVDD presentation topics:
Watch all 6 of the Dodgerslist Video series
- Individual videos in the series:
- Why there is hope for all
- Living with IVDD
- Dr. Lawson, DVM, on the 2 IVDD treatments
- How to set up the recovery suite
- Tips of expressing the bladder
- How to express for poop

6 Illustrated IVDD Primer Strips. Perfect for helping children understand their pet's disease
- Intro: What is IVDD?
- What does a herniation (slipped disc, torn disc) look like-symptoms?
- Treatment options
- Crate rest (aka: recovery suite with room service).
- Bladder care
- Living with IVDD
Foreign Language Materials
French (Français)
- General Brochure –
Maladie du Disque Intervertébral, MDI
Italian - (italiano)
- General Brochure –
Malattia Degenerativa Del Disco Intervertebrale & terapie (Conservativa e post-operazione)
Polish (Polski)
- Crate rest recovery process –
Rekonwalescencja w klatce PDF
- General brochure-
Choroba Dyskowa (CD) PDF
Spanish (Español)
- General-Bro-Spanish –
Enfermedad Discal Intervertebral, EDI PDF
- Shortcut through IVDD (Basic Concepts) presentation
Enfermedad discal intervertebral conceptos basicos de la enfermedad PDF