Emergency Nerve Damage Info - Premier website for Dog Back Disease (IVDD)


Emergency Nerve Damage Info

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Hours matter to reduce a potential of nerve damage​

Upon suspicion of a disc episode, quick acting owners may be able to prevent nerve damage by limiting movement of the neck/back and get their dog into a vet ASAP. Do know if nerve damage would happen, with time those nerves after a surgery or with conservative treatment have the potential to self-heal.

During conservative treatment, the focus is all about getting the disc to self-heal with time of 8 weeks of strict rest. Nerve repair may or may not come back in that short of time. Often owners will need to think more in terms of months rather than days and weeks for this slowest part of the body to self-heal.

Surgery relieves the pressure on the spinal cord. Immediate neuro improvement may or may not come during the 4-6 weeks of post-op rest. This is because nerves in many cases take more than 6 weeks to heal. In fact there is no time limit for nerves to heal.

Limiting nerve damage

Nerve damage causes loss of neuro function, legs wobbly, paralyzed, etc. Quick owner action to immediately crate their dog at first suspicion of a disc episode can help to prevent nerve damage.  Crating limits movement of the neck and back. Examples:  wire crate, 8 panel ex-pen, baby's Pack 'N Play. The area is only large enough to easily turn around. To stand up. When lying down to fully stretch out legs. 

Hope for all dogs!

One of these pups is not like the others....but if you picked the one in the cart you're wrong.

“The three dogs on the right are all IVDD Survivors! Jake in the cart went down 3.5 years ago. Reggie to his right recovered from his latest bout only a month before this photo was taken last summer. Angel, my darling grand-puppy, was the first to be born with IVDD. ”  ~Anne
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