No amount of help is too little | Dodgerslist, the premier website for Dog Back Disease (IVDD)



Educating every where there are breeds prone to IVDD

Truly, no amount of your help is too little ($1, $5, $10, $50).  Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated.

Less than a handful of volunteers dedicate their talents and time daily. They staff the IVDD Care & Support Forum, design Dodgerslist IVDD brochures/cards for printing, and maintain the website. Folks like you, all across the US, take these brochures and cards to their town’s vet and to distribute at dog events.  No one receives compensation or salary including the founder, Linda Stowe.

Dodgerslist Does Big Things On A Shoestring Budget!

100% of a contribution is used to educate to save lives

From all of us here on Dodgerslist, thank you for your support in helping us to spread the word that IVDD is a disease. There are two treatments for a disc episoide —Conservative or surgery. Life for fur kids with IVDD can be a happy life, full of fun and love. 

And most importantly, thank you on behalf of all of the dogs whose lives you will save through your generosity in assisting us in our quest to spread the word about IVDD.

Too many still think putting a dog to sleep is a treatment for disc disease. Let's all get the word out…. the two treatments are: conservative or surgical

All earned monies and contributions fund these projects to help educate about IVDD:

  • Web page hosting and domain name registration
  • Printing of educational brochures and cards for distribution
  • Postage to mail out Dodgerslist brochures and cards for dog events, owners, vets, and surgeons.
  • Placement of ads in dog magazines
  • Ad-free IVDD Care and Support Forum

TWO ways to contribute

Contribute via a major credit card or PayPal

No contribution is too small ($1, $5, $10, $50) or more. Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated. Contributions are not tax deductible.

NOTE: If you are having trouble while using Safari – please switch to Chrome or Foxfire.

  1. .Copy the following e-mail address:
  2.  Then go to PayPal
Be sure to fill in your shipping address + e-mail info so we can thank you!
    1. Make check “payable to”  Linda Stowe
    2. Add in check’s memo line:  Dodgerslist + your e-mail addy
    3. E-mail LINDA for the street address for your envelope 
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