Nursing Care Tips
No need to reinvent the wheel with at-home nursing care during a disc episode.
- Lots of member tips
- Useful supplies
- Review on bladder expressing
- Cervical (neck) disc care and more.

Expressing for paralyzed dogs
- Bladder expressing is a very real health concern to prevent infection (UTI) and maintain bladder muscle tone
- Poop Expressing relieves a dog’s anxiety of unexpected poops where they sleep

Neck disc pain
Extra things to do at home to help with cervical (neck) pain
- looks with eyes, rather than turn head
- head low or high to the ground
- avoids bearing weight on front limb(s)

Laser & Acupuncture
- These therapies can aid in kick-starting the body to self-repair nerves.
- There are cautions to be aware of with these therapies.

Check out the Dodgerslist Care and Support Forum.
Ask specific questions about your dog. Learn tips in making the post-op or during conservative treatment rest period go smoother.

STRICT REST procedure and tips
Disc healing strict rest is a “recovery suite” with room service!

Active PT as soon as the surgeon directs.
Conservative treatment for paralyzed legs
- Off all meds gives proof all pain is gone. Then….
- Limit to range of motion (ROM) and massage
- Maintain principals of limited neck & back movement as disc continues healing til graduation day.