Sling for a Wobbly Dog | Dodgerslist IVDD Neuro Corner

Sling for a wobbly dog

Neuro Corner Answers

Dr. Andrew Isaacs
DVM Diplomate ACVIM (Neurology)
Dogwood Veterinary Referral Center

Primary interests include intervertebral disc disease, seizure management, luxations/fractures of the spine, and surgery for brain tumors



My 6 year old female miniature dachshund was having pain, and I took her to the Vet, she is on crate rest now since Wednesday. When I take her out to pee. She has trouble standing, it seems to be her rear legs, and she will flop and fall over. The vet thought it was a cervical disc, and we are treating conservatively with Prednisone and pain meds.

I saw that you used a leash to hold up the back end of a dachshund, is that recommended?  I don’t want her to hurt herself more with the falling.


Using a leash, towel, or other cloth item in front of the rear legs under the abdomen as a sling is OK. There are slings that you can purchase, but the hope is your dog gets better and there is not a need for a sling long term.

Ideally, if your dog is that wobbly it would be best to be seen by a specialist that can talk to you about advanced imaging +/- surgery. It is understandable if this would be cost prohibitive, but just wanted to make you aware that at this stage more than medication may be required.


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