X-rays - Premier website for Dog Back Disease (IVDD)



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Neuro Corner Answers

Dr. Andrew Isaacs
DVM Diplomate ACVIM (Neurology)
Dogwood Veterinary Referral Center

Primary interests include intervertebral disc disease, seizure management, luxations/fractures of the spine, and surgery for brain tumors



I was referred to your site by a fellow dachshund lover. I have a rescue who is approximately 11 or 12 years old. I have had him for 5 years with no known back problems. This morning he woke up crying and dragging his back and sort of wobbly and drunk like. I took him to the vet who did an xray. No herniated disc. The x-ray showed some narrowing of discs but nothing glaring. We have him on anti inflammatory and painkillers. My concern is throughout the day it seems to have gotten worse and he can’t stand to even pee. Not sure what to do next. Please help?


The x-rays are helpful for excluding diseases that involve the bone (fracture and tumor), but unfortunately do not let us know about disk herniations.

With the dramatic decline it would be worth visiting with your vet about referral to a specialists for advanced imaging (MRI/CT). This would allow confirmation if it is a disk and the degree of compression. With this information you will then know if surgery is warranted to help give him the best odds of recovering. If this is not feasible then talk with your vet about urinary bladder management and discuss the potential of switching from non-steroidal anti-inflammatories to a steroid.

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