Hope for all IVDD warriors – Shortcut Thru IVDD


There’s hope! IVDD warriors do live years having fun

There is good hope for IVDD warriors. Even paralyzed dogs can look forward to many years of play, chasing balls, looking for critters, and going for walks.

Olive is an IVDD warrior

She loves all the different things her family does. She loves the beach. The hope is for all IVDD dogs to have as much fun with their families.

Ruby has been paralyzed since she was 4 years old

With a wheelchair accessory, nothing to stop this gal from joining in on winter activities!

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There is good hope for all IVDD warriors to enjoy years of joining in with family activities. Many dogs do recover the ability to walk anywhere from weeks to a year whether after a surgery or with conservative treatment.

While waiting on more nerve repair to happen, dogs can use a wheelchair to play, have fun chasing balls, looking for critters, and going for walks. Wheelchairs are used for a few hours a day – not all day long. Padded garments help to protect when scooting indoors.

Clark’s wheelchair easily handles new fallen snow. For over a decade of summers his cart has made it possible to walk many a trail enjoying all there is to sniff.


This information is presented for educational purposes and as a resource for the dog IVDD community. The coordinators are not veterinarians or health care professionals. Nothing herein should be interpreted as medical advice https://www.facebook.com/Dodgerslist/and all should contact their pet care professionals for advice. The coordinators are not responsible for the substance and content contained herein and do not advocate any particular product, item or position contained herein.

©2023 Linda Stowe, founder of DODGERSLIST.com  FACEBOOK,  Instagram, YouTube