Pet Owner Comments
Pet owners write us about Dodgerslist resources, volunteers and the IVDD Care & Support Forum.

I am writing to say thank you, over three years after Anya’s IVDD diagnosis she is here with us, walking around as if nothing ever happened. She’s an old girl now at almost 11, we feel incredibly lucky to have been given the chance to spend all this extra time with her. Our experience with IVDD remains one of the most traumatic experiences I’ve ever had, it was absolutely devastating but this forum gave me hope, comfort and a sense of control at the worst of times. The kindness you showed and the speedy responses provided much needed reassurance and understanding. I’ll always remember your kindness and hope you know the tremendous difference you make to people. Thank you so much, Jess and Anya
We got an extra 5 healthy years with Gretta thanks to Dodgerslist Forum. When she lost use of her back legs they were there for us every step of her IVDD journey holding my hand and helping me be sure and assertive on her behalf. The vet thought she’d never walk again and was disappointed we didn’t choose a surgery we couldn’t afford, but with the help of Dodgerslist she regained use of her legs, and didn’t even need a wheelchair. She had zoomies right up to the last weekend before complications from Cushing’s took her from us. I wish every dog parent, especially doxie families knew about this resource. 💕
Everything is helpful—especially the Forum and hearing of other people’s experiences, helps you feel less alone because it is a sad and stressful and scary thing to go through. ~
Dallas Veterinary Surgical Center (DVSC)had literature which got me to the website which led to Facebook. After my baby couldn’t walk anymore, I went to the Care Forum for advice and got personal response to my specific questions and issues ~Teresa
The best thing I learned what to do for my pet with IVDD. I also learned what not to let my pet do in the future after recovery from IVDD. Having this knowledge took away the fear and gave me the steps to recovery for my pet and to keep her from having anymore issues with IVDD for the rest of her life. ~Sue
The care forum where you can get advice for your dog’s situation. DL was a godsend for us, and so incredibly helpful and reassuring. I credit DL with saving our dog’s life when he had his second back injury. He developed internal bleeding from the NSAID and Forum advised us to request a stomach protecting medication from our vet. Frankie went on to live a very long life, and we now have our second dachshund, Bear. ~
Searched the web after my vet told me to put her down. I was looking from burials and continue researching for the problem until I was lucky enough to find you. The knowledge from all the facilitators. The hope that they bring us and the reality that our dogs can survive even with no surgery. You all are a blessing. ~Dulce
Access Animal Hospital. Bowie’s neurologist, Timothy Krebs, DVM, DACVIM (Neurology), recommended you. ~Yvonne
The tailored advice, expertise and support quite literally saved my dog from euthanasia and he has gone on to have 5 more years & still going. ~Clare
Quickly gives you information when you are in crisis and continued support throughout the journey. This has been invaluable over the years with 4 dachshundsThe extent of support information and knowledgeable support from the forum – got me through two IVDD episodes. ~Roy
Googling and vet neuro Dr. Isaacs handled my Monty’s first disc rupture surgery. Felt so lucky to have him and Dodgers list when we didn’t know what was happening! ~
The best part about the site is the information on what to do in an IVDD emergency. Too, too much stress and pain when a dog is paralyzed, the information and the support of knowing that everything can work out takes a great deal of stress off one’s heart. ~Shannon
It’s a one-stop-shopping location for all you need if you have an IVDD dog. The forum was very helpful and supportive, as are all the articles on the website.
When my dog had her first episode, my vet seemed clueless. I started googling and found your website. You were exactly what I needed, when I needed it! Thank you!
All your videos and suggestions helped me immensely. With 8 weeks of cage rest, Gidget fully recovered and never again had an episode. I would not have received that kind of information from my vet….she had only suggested surgery. I did tell her about you and brought in literature. ~Toni
I never had a dog with IVDD or known anyone with a dog with IVDD. So had no information about it. The website and forum was perfect.
I don’t think I could have done this on my own, and I will be forever grateful for your knowledge and kindness, but most importantly your generous willingness to share your time, advice, and experience. ~ Mark
“DL advise, support & resources are invaluable! With DL & a few modifications to my home & yard, I kept my other 2 doxies safe from severe IVDD (one is now 17 yrs old). ~ Beverly“
The emergency vet I took my dog to had pamphlets available from Dodgers List about IVDD. The information, and support, being able to see the videos and read other stories (and their results after diagnosis/surgery) helped me prepare immensely for the worst case scenario, as well as understanding what was happening. ~
OMG – never could have gotten through a few IVDD episodes.. mostly the Forum helped SO much. And the volunteer advisors. ~Pat
The response from the moderators, and all of the information available. Really it was a lifesaver to me and my dog. ~MaryAnne
This site saved my life with all the valuable information it has. My little Abby came down with ivdd 3 almost 4 years ago. I was given information how to care and take care of her from the hospital, vets, etc. But I was able to come here on this site to get any necessary information I needed. I love this site. I will always be grateful for the information your site gave. ~Ginger
This site was a life saver for me and for Ziggie !! I don’t think he would have made it without the information and advice I found here … thank you!!!! ~ Kristin
Dodger’s List is the first place I went when my little dachshund went down. I learned things from them that even my vet didn’t tell me…like giving them 5 mg Pepcid AC 1/2 hour before giving them the steroids. I asked my vet and he then said yes it is a good idea. If not for Dodger’s List, I wouldn’t have known to ask. My dachshund made a full recovery with just crate rest, meds and a sling to aid him in going to the bathroom (another tip from Dodger’s list). I crocheted one that worked fantastic! Not only that, they gave me hope!!… ~Andrea
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