most-asked-disc-disease-ivdd-questions | Dodgerslist, Premier website for Dog Back Disease (IVDD)


Most asked disc disease (IVDD) question

What is the length of time for my dog to improve?

  1. Pain Relief:  One hour and round the clock, when medications are properly adjusted in mgs and frequency given.
  2. Resolution of Painful Swelling around the spinal cord: Anti-inflammatory works in a range of 7-30 days.
  3. Disc Healing: surgery 4-6 weeks; conservative 8 weeks
  4. Nerve Function: There is not a time limit. Think in terms of months vs. days-weeks for this slowest part of the body to heal.

Two tools aid understanding the 4 phases of healing with a disc episode.

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YES, Your Dog CAN Have a Great Quality of Life!



“Dodgerslist gave me hope”… “Advise, support & resources are invaluable”… “I don’t think I could have done this on my own.”


Can’t safely lift your heavy dog?     🤙Simple idea to overcome the challenges during a disc episode: Recovery suites • Potty time  • Bladder Expressing & health • Lifting Aids.


Drs. Isaacs and Galle, DVM, ACVIM (Neurology) answer the concerns IVDD pet owners have.

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