Most Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the length of time for my dog to improve?

Most asked questions about disc disease (IVDD)

  1. Pain Relief:  One hour and round the clock, when medications are properly adjusted in mgs and frequency given.
  2. Resolution of Painful Swelling around the spinal cord: Anti-inflammatory works in a range of 7-30 days.
  3. Disc Healing: surgery 4-6 weeks; conservative 8 weeks
  4. Nerve Function: There is not a time limit. Think in terms of months vs. days-weeks for this slowest part of the body to heal.

Two tools aid understanding the 4 phases of healing with a disc episode.

View & d/l Tool 1: Roadmap to 4 phases of healingTool 2: Understand how healing works

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3 traction solutions improvements. Help a dog with any degree of nerve damage (wobbly legs, dogs using a wheelchair). Have you ever fallen or lost your balance? Scared it could happen again? IVDD Dogs with nerve damage can experience similar feelings about slipping and falling.

“Dodgerslist gave me hope”… “Advise, support & resources are invaluable”… “I don’t think I could have done this on my own.”

Can’t safely lift your heavy dog?     🤙Simple idea to overcome the challenges during a disc episode: Recovery suites • Potty time  • Bladder Expressing & health • Lifting Aids.

Drs. Isaacs and Galle, DVM, ACVIM (Neurology) answer the concerns IVDD pet owners have.


This information is presented for educational purposes and as a resource for the dog IVDD community. The coordinators are not veterinarians or health care professionals. Nothing herein should be interpreted as medical advice all should contact their pet care professionals for advice. The coordinators are not responsible for the substance and content contained herein and do not advocate any particular product, item or position contained herein.

©2023 Linda Stowe, founder of  FACEBOOK,  Instagram, YouTube